7. New Project Idea - Rolling Along?

Initially an idea I thought up for my final year project, I decided to switch it over to this subject because I still want to make it but also prefer another idea for the FYP. I also realised the reason why no one's really made an "Anti-social media" yet - what kind of person would sign up for it? I really didn't fully think that idea through...

Anyhow, the title is still a work in progress, but the gist of this new idea is to make a desktop game which puts players in different handicapped scenarios.

The first scenario is navigating a busy city in a wheelchair, highlighting the obstacles that most able-bodied people don't think about - stairs, poorly designed ramps, pedestrian lights which are on for too short of a time etc. This is inspired by the Inktober series mentioned in my first post. The player will need to navigate this space within a certain time limit to increase the challenge. Maybe the character will be trying to catch a plane or reach somewhere for an important job interview.

The second scenario I'm considering at the moment is having a player trying to cook while visually impaired. The player can guide a hand to "feel" around the kitchen, which means most of the screen is black and the player can see the outlines of what they're currently interacting with. This means they risk cutting themselves, or burning their hand on the saucepan trying to boil water. In this game, the player has a health bar they need to keep from going to zero. This scenario was inspired by the work of Kevin Chiam, a Singaporean designer who designed a series of cooking tools to help his visually impaired friend Rosie. With his permission, I might try to increase awareness for his cause since he's been having trouble getting funding to bring his project to the market. I'll only contact him if I manage to complete this game to a high level of finishing though.

I might consider more scenarios depending on how much time I have - I'm going to prioritise having a finished product over having one that has more content. The main purpose of the game is to highlight the things that most people take for granted in their everyday lives. I'll also need to think of a better name for it - something that's instantly understandable but also not too common a word or phrase.

Ng, Y. (2018). Young designer invents kitchenware for the blind, but struggles to bring it to market. [online] Channel NewsAsia. Available at: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/designer-folks-kevin-chiam-invents-kitchen-products-blind-10762318 [Accessed 16 Oct. 2018].


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